The Untitled Pass

Looking to take your Untitled experience to the next level? Look no further than the Untitled Pass! This pass is your ticket to unlocking even more rewards and maximizing your earnings in the game.

To make sure you don't miss out on any of the amazing benefits, we recommend you mint your pass as soon as you begin your journey in Untitled. This way, you can start racking up rewards from the get-go and make sure you're getting the most out of your hard-earned efforts. So what are you waiting for? Get your Untitled Pass and start unlocking those rewards today!

Are you ready for even more amazing benefits with the Untitled Pass? Holders of the pass not only get an immediate Untitled Token Boost, will also receive a FREE playable character, exclusive only to pass holders. With the pass, you'll be able to showcase your unique character and stand out from the crowd.

And the best part? The Untitled Pass is an on-chain NFT that can be sold in secondary markets, just like the characters themselves! So you can choose to HODL your pass, or sell it to the highest bidder for even more profit. With the Untitled Pass, the possibilities are endless - so get yours today and start unlocking those amazing benefits!

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