Selling Untitled Assets

Whether you're a passionate player or avid collector, you now have the exciting opportunity to list and sell your characters, achievements, and even the coveted Untitled Pass itself to fellow users on the SKALE network. To make this seamless process even better, we've partnered with NFTrade, our preferred platform.

With NFTrade, you can effortlessly list your items for free, without worrying about any gas fees. Let's delve into how you can easily achieve this right from within the game. If you happen to own an Untitled Character, keep an eye out for a dedicated button that will instantly take you to the bustling marketplace

Once you're on the marketplace website, please ensure you connect your wallet and change the network to SKALE.

After switching networks, you can view your NFT Inventory by clicking on 'My Account' to the top right.

If you own any characters, achievements or a pass, you can choose which asset you'd like to list for sale by clicking on it.

After selecting the asset you'd like to sell, click on the sell button and specify a price in Ethereum that you'd like to list this item for. Make sure to approve the T&Cs before proceeding.

That's it! Your game asset has now been listed for sale. You can share the listing through an assortment of sharing options.

Need help? Feel free to join our discord for immediate support.

Last updated